At Caldicot School, we are committed to securing excellent attendance for our students in order that they receive an excellent education and do not jeopardise their future life chances to succeed. We are committed to upholding the legal requirements for compulsory school attendance up to the statutory school leaving age of sixteen years or the last Friday in June for Year 11.
In addition, students in Years 12 & 13 are required to attend all timetabled lessons, unless they have a valid reason for absence.
Caldicot School expects and encourages students to aim for at least 95% attendance as this gives them the best chance of success. Students with 100% attendance are recognised by being invited to the Annual Awards Ceremony. Attendance of 90% means that 19 school days per year are lost Attendance of 85% means that 28 school days per year are lost Attendance of 80% means that 38 school days per year are lost. Research shows that when 17 school days per year are lost, students achieve one grade less per GCSE than they would otherwise have achieved. Therefore, every day really does count!
The school’s Attendance Policy seeks to provide a positive attitude to school attendance and to record and investigate all cases of absenteeism. It details how attendance is monitored and recorded, what constitutes an authorised or unauthorised absence.
A daily absence contact system is in place where parents/carers will be contacted if their child fails to register and the school has not been notified of the reason for absence. The school will also contact you if your child is in school but truanting from a lesson and refusing to follow staff instructions to return to class.
We have an attendance team at the school, which includes Miss Robson and Mrs Prosser. They are available to provide support to families where there may be issues affecting attendance. Please contact the attendance team on 01291 426469 or [email protected] with queries or to report an absence.