Student Voice
Student voice is a central feature of Caldicot School. It allows our students to have greater ownership of the decision-making and consultative procedures within the school; it provides the student community with both a platform for their views and an opportunity to shape policy and strategy.
The bodies that deliver this objective, are the Year Councils, the School Council and the Student Liaison Group (SLG).
Year Councils: Two students from each form are elected in a secret ballot during September of each academic year following nomination by their peers. The election process is run by the Head Boy and Head Girl, plus their deputies. The Year Council meets with their respective Year Tutor once per half term to discuss all issues relevant to their year groups, which are then fed into full School Council if required.
School Council: Two students from each Year Council are elected to the full School Council, alongside the Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies. The School Council meets once per half term, with meetings chaired by the Head Boy and Head Girl. The main focus of the School Council is to work alongside staff to help develop and improve teaching and learning across the school. The School Council also covers a wide remit of issues as and when they arise.
Student Liaison Group (SLG): The remit for this group is to assist the school through debate and discussion, in the introduction, implementation and management of change within the school. The group consists of two representatives from each year group chaired by the Head Boy and Head Girl.