There are 15 governors in total who make up the governing body of Caldicot School. Governors bring a range of experiences to work closely with the leadership and staff at the school.
The Governing Body helps formulate the aims and policies of the school. No individual governor has any over-arching authority; sub-committees have delegated powers awarded by the governing body as a whole. The chair of governors, however, has the authority to answer letters, deal with emergencies and liaise with the headteacher without constant recourse to the full governing body.
Paul Glover Julia Hanks Sarah Hawkins Glen Ingleson Steve Pember | Community Governor (Chair of Governors) Local Authority Governor (Vice-Chair) Local Authority Governor (Safeguarding Governor) Local Authority Governor Local Authority Governor |
Reverend Dan Frett Adrian Hallworth Chris Hawkins Mark Lewis | Community Governor Community Governor Community Governor Community Governor |
Lucy Adams Craig Lambourne Dave Price Paul Walbyoff | Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor |
John Harman Rhoswen Rogers | Staff Governor (Teacher) Staff Governor (Teacher) |
Alun Ebenezer | Acting Headteacher (ex officio) |
Rob Downs James Davies Stuart Bryant Rhiannon O'Callaghan Fran Page | Deputy Head (Observer) Deputy Head (Observer) Assistant Head (Observer) Assistant Head (Observer) Assistant Head (Observer) |
Kim Houghton | Clerk to Governors |
The Chair of Governors and Clerk to Governing Body can be contacted directly by letter via the school.